Welcome to our blog! We will do our best to keep it updated with news of all three of our boys!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Awesome McKenzie Boys!

It's been so long!  I felt the need to update everyone.  We have 3 amazingly perfect boys!  They are ALL boy though let me tell you.  They are full of energy, happy, wrestling, wildlife loving boys.  Cole is off all medication and extra services.  Chase is our little linebacker, so healthy and strong.  Harper is amazing and is starting Kindergarten in the fall.  I have to put my baby on the school bus!!!!  All 3 of our boys have grown so much since my last post ( a year ago) that I wanted to say hi to everyone and give some new pictures!  Hope everyone is doing as well as we are.  We couldn't be happier!! Love, Hugs and Kisses!

Kat, Aaron, Harper, Chase and Cole