Welcome to our blog! We will do our best to keep it updated with news of all three of our boys!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Growing Boys!

We had a fantastic Thanksgiving with all of the fam at Donna's house.  So so so nice to have so many hands to hold and love these babies! Great food, great time!  Chase and Cole had a pediatrician appointment yesterday.  Chase is up to 17 lbs 7 oz which puts him in the 50th percentile for 6 month old babies!  He's an average size 6 month old baby!!!!!!  Big Cole weighed in at 10 lbs 9 oz.  He has increased his birth weight by 10 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  He has gained a pound since we stopped using the feeding tube which is fantastic.  We will wait to have it out until his 9 month check up to make sure we have it during the flu season just in case.  They got 3 shots so they haven't been feeling great since yesterday:(  Developmentally, they are right on track!  It was a great visit (except the whole shot thing).

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Zoo Day

Harper, Mommy and Angela went to the zoo today!  The Buffalo zoo is absolutely amazing when you look at it through the eyes of a 3 year old.  I've decided to look at almost everything through the eyes of a 3 year old now, which makes everything so exciting!  We had a blast.  Alex the Lion (named by Harper) roared for us several times, the rainforest is amazing, the giraffes and elephants were all out to play and Harper named the sea lions Katherine and Aaron:)  What a great day.  The twins stayed home with Daddy and had a wonderful time.  Chase was evaluated by physical therapist and an occupational therapist yesterday and he is actually closing the gap between "real age" and "corrected age".  Corrected age is their age according to their due date (July 27).  They are both almost to their real age as far as motor development and language:)  Good days at the McKenzie household!   

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Big Birthday Boy

Harper James is 3 years old:)  I would say that makes me feel old but these boys keep us young!  Friday night we had a little party with Harper, Mommy, Daddy, Chase and Cole.  Yesterday we had the big party with everyone.  What a great family we have.  Harper was thrilled with his party.  When it was time to go to bed, Harper and I went to lay down down together and he said to me, "Mama, thanks for letting Jeanie make my cake.  She always knows my favorites."  He's a good boy who loves his Jeanie:)  Daddy and Harper are always fighting over who Jeanie belongs to!! (I think Harper wins).  We had a great day, although Cole Thomas slept through the whole thing:(  Harper had a blast with his cousins and then today Aunt Becca, Emma, Harper, Cole, Chase and Mommy all went to the playground for some good fresh air.  Great weekend.  Sad it's over.

P.S. We haven't had to use Cole's feeding tube in almost 3 weeks!!!!!! 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Little miracles

Cole had his second physical therapy session today.  The therapist comes to the house and is absolutely wonderful.  The first thing she does is get a toy out that she brings special for big brother Harper to play with while she works with Cole and Chase.  That's a lady with experience:)  She works with the boys to get them caught up and guide them along.  Cole and Chase both smile and laugh with her and show her how perfect they are:)  We have three little miracles:)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Quick update:)

Cole weighed in at 9 lbs 5 oz today and Chase weighed in at 15 lbs 6 oz!!!!!!  We had to go to the pediatrician for our first Synagis vaccine today which will protect them from RSV.  All babies born premature and babies with respiratory or heart issues get the vaccine.  It's once per month from November to either March or April (I can't remember which).  They were not happy with Mommy:(  Harper is playing at Jeanie's house and having a ball.  We went trick or treating last night and he was absolutely adorable.  Cole has been doing better and better with his bottle so keep your fingers crossed that he keeps it up!  As always, thank you for the prayers and thoughts!  Keep them coming please:)