Welcome to our blog! We will do our best to keep it updated with news of all three of our boys!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sweet boys:)

Big Chase weighed in at 8 lbs 1 oz yesterday!  He's giant:)  Cole is up to 4 lbs 9 oz!  Cole does a great job bottling for his Mommy but is very stubborn about it with the nurses.  That is the only thing keeping him in there at this point.  We'll be patient.  Someday our whole family will live under the same roof:)  Harper absolutely adores his baby brother Chase and asks everyday when Cole will be home.  He gives lots of hugs and kisses everyday and is Mommy's little helper.  Thank you all for following us and please keep the prayers and good thoughts coming! 

Friday, July 22, 2011

Chase the Tank

Chase had a big weigh in today.....7 lbs 11 oz!!!  He gained a whole pound in one week.  He's looking great and being a perfect baby!  His brother Cole is doing well!  He's up to 4 lbs 3 oz!  He's getting better and better at the whole bottling thing.  He's starting some thyroid meds so his body doesn't have to work so hard.  The endocrinologist thinks he'll be on them short term.  He may have to come home with oxygen and monitors at first which is fine with us.  We just want him home:) 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

We have a 4 pounder!!!

We are back online so expect more frequent updates:)  Chase was 6 lbs 11 oz on Thursday.  He's quite a tank!  Cole is over 4 lbs!  He's been trying to bottle every feed but really would rather have it dropped through his feeding tube.  Harper is keeping cool in his little pool in the backyard!  Cole has to bottle better and then he can come home!!  Probably in a couple of weeks.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Closer to home

Cole had a big day! He's in a new room, getting bottle fed every feed and was moved out of his isolette into a crib!  We're keeping our fingers crossed that he keeps moving in the right direction!  He's up to 3 lbs 12 oz!  Chase is still being a rock star at home!  He had gained a pound since he came home when he was weighed in on Friday!  He's giant/awesome!  Harper had an awesome time at Grandpa K's with Aunt Becca, Uncle A, Emma and Josie Beagle!  Daddy and I were so lonesome it was unbearable!  We are getting our internet hooked up next week so we will update more often!  Thanks for all the love!  Oh yea, and the surprise of a lifetime when Rain popped in rejuvenated all of us!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Good Boys:)

Chase gained 12 oz since last week!  He's up to 6 lbs 2 oz.  Growing like crazy and being a perfect baby!  Cole is up to 3 lbs 5 oz and they are weining him off of his nasal cannula air flow.  He's so so sweet!  Big Harper is going on a trip to his Grandpa's house without Mommy and Daddy.  He can't wait!  I think Mommy and Daddy will be much more lonesome for him than he will be for us.  First trip without us!  Our boys are all growing up:) 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Big Cole

Cole started to bottle feed!  I got to give him a bottle and he took 20 cc's for me:)  He has been holding his own.  He is up to 3 lbs 3 oz.  Chase is doing wonderful.  I would bet he is close to 6 lbs.  He will get weighed tomorrow so I will have a definite!  He's a great baby just like his big brother!  More pictures to come!  Thanks for all the love!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Cole's almost 3 lbs!!

Cole is just a few grams shy of 3 lbs!  Chase is doing his thing at home!  Aaron has turned into a workaholic on the house.  It's really coming along.  Harper loves his baby brothers but wishes they would walk and talk!