Welcome to our blog! We will do our best to keep it updated with news of all three of our boys!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Such a slacker!!!!!

So sorry for the lack of updates.  It's been pretty crazy around here!!  We've had lots of family fun and were very busy getting ready for Santa to come!  The boys enjoyed their Christmas and Harper must have been a really good boy this year because Santa brought him lots and lots!  Harper had a check-up on the 23rd and he did very well.  He's in the 90th percentile for both height and weight which is really fun!  He's a big guy.  All 3 of the boys have an appointment to get their flu shots on Thursday!  Should be a very interesting visit:(  I promise to be better with the updates!  Happy Holidays to all!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Good Day

Harper, Daddy, and Mommy went to the Christmas tree lot to pick out the perfect tree for our first Christmas in our new house!  Harper picked out a wonderful tree!  We had a blast!  Mona was with the twins at home (it was too cold for them to go).  We took a tree to Mona's and then came home to decorate ours!  Daddy got his big deer!!!!!  The babies got dressed up in Christmas clothes for fun and Mommy took lots of pictures!  We had a great little Saturday!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Growing Boys!

We had a fantastic Thanksgiving with all of the fam at Donna's house.  So so so nice to have so many hands to hold and love these babies! Great food, great time!  Chase and Cole had a pediatrician appointment yesterday.  Chase is up to 17 lbs 7 oz which puts him in the 50th percentile for 6 month old babies!  He's an average size 6 month old baby!!!!!!  Big Cole weighed in at 10 lbs 9 oz.  He has increased his birth weight by 10 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  He has gained a pound since we stopped using the feeding tube which is fantastic.  We will wait to have it out until his 9 month check up to make sure we have it during the flu season just in case.  They got 3 shots so they haven't been feeling great since yesterday:(  Developmentally, they are right on track!  It was a great visit (except the whole shot thing).

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Zoo Day

Harper, Mommy and Angela went to the zoo today!  The Buffalo zoo is absolutely amazing when you look at it through the eyes of a 3 year old.  I've decided to look at almost everything through the eyes of a 3 year old now, which makes everything so exciting!  We had a blast.  Alex the Lion (named by Harper) roared for us several times, the rainforest is amazing, the giraffes and elephants were all out to play and Harper named the sea lions Katherine and Aaron:)  What a great day.  The twins stayed home with Daddy and had a wonderful time.  Chase was evaluated by physical therapist and an occupational therapist yesterday and he is actually closing the gap between "real age" and "corrected age".  Corrected age is their age according to their due date (July 27).  They are both almost to their real age as far as motor development and language:)  Good days at the McKenzie household!   

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Big Birthday Boy

Harper James is 3 years old:)  I would say that makes me feel old but these boys keep us young!  Friday night we had a little party with Harper, Mommy, Daddy, Chase and Cole.  Yesterday we had the big party with everyone.  What a great family we have.  Harper was thrilled with his party.  When it was time to go to bed, Harper and I went to lay down down together and he said to me, "Mama, thanks for letting Jeanie make my cake.  She always knows my favorites."  He's a good boy who loves his Jeanie:)  Daddy and Harper are always fighting over who Jeanie belongs to!! (I think Harper wins).  We had a great day, although Cole Thomas slept through the whole thing:(  Harper had a blast with his cousins and then today Aunt Becca, Emma, Harper, Cole, Chase and Mommy all went to the playground for some good fresh air.  Great weekend.  Sad it's over.

P.S. We haven't had to use Cole's feeding tube in almost 3 weeks!!!!!! 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Little miracles

Cole had his second physical therapy session today.  The therapist comes to the house and is absolutely wonderful.  The first thing she does is get a toy out that she brings special for big brother Harper to play with while she works with Cole and Chase.  That's a lady with experience:)  She works with the boys to get them caught up and guide them along.  Cole and Chase both smile and laugh with her and show her how perfect they are:)  We have three little miracles:)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Quick update:)

Cole weighed in at 9 lbs 5 oz today and Chase weighed in at 15 lbs 6 oz!!!!!!  We had to go to the pediatrician for our first Synagis vaccine today which will protect them from RSV.  All babies born premature and babies with respiratory or heart issues get the vaccine.  It's once per month from November to either March or April (I can't remember which).  They were not happy with Mommy:(  Harper is playing at Jeanie's house and having a ball.  We went trick or treating last night and he was absolutely adorable.  Cole has been doing better and better with his bottle so keep your fingers crossed that he keeps it up!  As always, thank you for the prayers and thoughts!  Keep them coming please:) 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Big weigh in!

Cole weighed in yesterday at 9 lbs 1 oz!  Chase weighed in at 15 lbs 2 oz!  They're doing what we need them to do!  We are having so much fun with them laughing and smiling!  Harper's as wild as ever!  He's had so much fun watching the big machines work in the backyard getting the septic tank replaced....finally.  Happy boys and happy Mommy and Daddy:)

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Sorry for being such a slacker.  The Lion King was absolutely amazing.  Harper loved it!  We ran around the house for days singing in African!  We're really good.  The boys are all doing well.  Harper and Mommy came down with strep this week.  He recovered very quickly, it took Mommy a few days to kick the fever but we're all good now.  Cole and Chase are both smiling and giggling.  I don't know how to put a video on here or I would.  They're so cute.  We have neurodevelopmental clinic on Monday for both boys.  Daddy's out hunting for dinner, it's that time of year again!  Stay tuned for new pics! 
Go Bills!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New pics

Cole passes his hearing test yesterday:)  He had to have his hearing tested because he was in the NICU for so long and was on antibiotics.  The Dr. said he has perfect hearing!  I like it when Dr.'s tell me the boys are perfect:)  I, of course already know that, but it's nice to hear it from a professional!  Harper and I are going to the Lion King at Shea's tomorrow night with Jenny, Ethan and Angela.  That Angela's just full of great ideas! It's a Mommy, Big Brother's and Angela night out!!  Chase is fabulous and growing like crazy!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Big Boys

Cole weighed in at 7 lbs 13 oz on Monday.  The pediatrician is thrilled to the point of not needing to see him for a month!  Chase weighed in at 13 lbs 13 oz:)  They both had more vaccines.  The pediatrician said that research has shown that NICU babies are tougher than non NICU babies because they have been through so much already.  Cole cried when Chase got his shots and Chase cried when Cole got his shots.  Neither one cried at the pain of his own shot.  Twins are wild.  All in all it was a good appointment.  They are both smiling and cooing and doing something new everyday! 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Great Sunday

Go Bills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Harper, Mommy and Mona went to Kelkenberg Farms and we went on a hayride to a pumpkin patch and picked out our own pumpkins.  Then Harper rode on a pony and played with goats, sheep, horses, rabbits, chickens and cows!  It was wonderful!  Then we had some delicious apple cider:)  When we came home, we got to watch the Bills beat the Patriots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   What a great day:)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Doing well:)

The boys are doing well!  Both babies are great sleeper's.  Cole still gets up once during the night, but who could complain about that.  Chase is giant.  Harper has been so unbelievably helpful.  He has even fed Chase a couple times!!  We're still getting used to having 2 babies and a 2 year old, but life is so so good with them all here:)  The twins have pediatrician appt's on Monday so I'll have weights and more updates:) 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Big Boys

We have a nurse come out once per week to check on Cole and make sure everything is going well.  He weighed in at 7 lbs 7 oz and she said he looks great!  Big Chase weighed in at 12 lbs 12 oz.  I now know why I was sore after taking them with me to the Dr. yesterday.  Big boys to be carrying around in car seats!  It's wonderful.  Cole is still working on bottling.  Harper is Mommy's helper and wants o kiss his brothers.....a lot:)  All is well in the McKenzie household!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

All together:)

So we are so happy to be all together!  It's definitely an adjustment having 2 babies here, but it's so so so wonderful!  Harper is doing awesome with his baby brothers.  Our pediatrician (who is absolutely amazing) said that Cole is perfect.  He is bottling well and what he doesn't take from the bottle goes into his tube.  His pediatrician is very optimistic that he will start bottling his full feeds soon!  Chase loves having his brother home and is very smiley when they are together.  More to come!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


He's home!!!!!!!!  The nurse called yesterday and said he was coming home today!Me, being the superstitious freak that I am, didn't dare put it in writing until I knew it was true!  We're all under the same roof tonight!!!!  Harper can't get enough of his babies:)  Chase and Cole were chatting and snuggling!  So many more pics on their way!!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Surgery complete!

Cole had his surgery.  The surgeon repaired both hernias and put the feeding tube in.  He had a breathing tube for the surgery but shortly after surgery (as he was fighting the ventilator) they removed the tube:)  He was looking handsome as ever when we got up to see him.  He will be on TPN, which is basically gatorade:)  They will start with formula tomorrow and gradually work him up to full feeds.  Just a few more general discharge items to go after that and we get him!  Just so you're all aware, we will continue the blog even after he is home.  So stay tuned!  Thank you all!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Cole's surgery is tomorrow afternoon.  When the surgeon did her clinical evaluation, she also found an inguinal hernia on the right side.  She said there may be one on the left as well but could not tell with a clinical eval.  She is going to fix everything while she is in there tomorrow.  Positive energy needed.


Surgery is pushed back because of the surgeon's schedule.  It will be sometime after 11 tomorrow:(

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Another surgery

Cole is scheduled to have his feeding tube put in tomorrow!  After it is in, it takes 5-7 days to get back up to full feeds and then.......nevermind, I'm scared to say it outloud.  Harper, Chase and Mommy went to the State fair and met Harper's friend Grandpa K there.  We saw all kinds of animals and had a great time!  Cole was just 1 oz shy of 7 lbs at his weigh in this morning!  I'll keep you posted on his surgery and progress!  As always, thank you for the love and support:)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Chase is on the Chart!

Chase had his big weigh in at his Dr. check-up yesterday.......10 lbs 12 oz!  That puts him on the growth chart for an average baby his age!  He's not a preemie anymore!  Cole Thomas is not far behind at 6 lbs 8 oz (and that's with a surgery this week:).  Cole is recovering very well from his surgery.  Soon he will have his feeding tube and be home with us!  Both Chase's Dr and Cole's Dr's are extremely pleased with the progress the boys are making! 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Doing Well!

Cole's surgery took about an hour and a half.  The neurosurgeon said it went well and he was doing fine.  He had the breathing tube out and was looking great!  He was still a bit sedated and was given some pain relief so he was pretty drowsy.  He is resting peacefully on his belly.  He will have to be in that position for about 2 days.  They will start giving him food again tonight.  Hopefully he gets the feeding tube next week and after he recovers from that he will be home where he belongs:)
Tethered Cord
When a baby is growing in utero, the spinal cord grows first and then as the body grows, the end of the spinal cord is at about L2.  (there are 5 lumbar vertebrae).  Cole's spinal cord was still at L4 and then was attached to the vertebrae.  The surgeon went in and lifted his vertebrae, cut the connective tissue that attached it to the vertebrae and then put him back together.  It's more involved than that, but that's a brief overview.

Surgery today

Cole is having his tethered spinal cord surgery today.  His neurosurgeon decided to do it now rather than later so he could recover in the NICU.  He will have to have the breathing tube put back in because it performed under general anesthesia.  Procedure should take about 2 hours.  Pray for him.  After he recovers from this, he will have the feeding tube put in and can finally come home.  Thank you all for the love and support. 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Big Boy

Cole Thomas is up to 6 lbs!  It's definitely time to come home.  The Dr. liked the way the MRI looked which was very encouraging.  We haven't gotten the final report from the radiologist so we're still keeping our fingers crossed.  We're hoping that the feeding tube goes in this week and we can bring him home soon after that.  They are doing another test tomorrow to make sure the tethered cord is not messing with his bladder function at this point.  Chase is doing awesome and slept through the night last night!  Not that we can complain, he was only getting up once a night before that.  Football was great this week and I'm looking forward to this season.  Harper hasn't stopped dancing since Uncle Richie's wedding!  On our way to see our sweet Cole right now.  We'll try to get pics up soon!  Thank you followers for all of the love! 

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Richard and Krista's wedding was wonderful!  Krista was beautiful, Rich was so handsome, and Harper and Emma were adorable.  Unfortunately, for now, I only have one picture of Harper (below).  We had a great time.  We ran into some issues Friday night with Cole.  He had been taking full bottles for 2 days and then Friday night did not take hardly any, so they put his feeding tube back in his nose:(  He did well for me today but would only take a little bit from his nurses.  He's on the schedule for a feeding tube, spine MRI and brain MRI all next week.  Hopefully home very soon after that.  I start football tomorrow!  Go Eagles!!!!!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Getting Closer!

I apologize for the lack of updates.  Cole's ultrasound looked a little better.  He had a small bleed in the brain so they are watching him very closely.  His amazing nurses have been working diligently on bottling and he has been making small improvements!  He is on the schedule for next week for the feeding tube to be put in.  His nurse put a mobile on his crib and he was having fun playing with the zebra on it.  It was wonderful!  Harper and I are headed to Uncle Richie and Aunt Krista's wedding.  Big Chase is staying home with Daddy and Mona.  Pictures of Harper in a tux to follow:)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

We've got a 5 pounder!

Cole hit 5 lbs!  He's still struggling with the bottling so they are going to put a feeding tube in soon to get him home.  Everyone involved knows how well he'll do when he is home so we're going to get him here any way we can.  He had a little bit of a change on his last head ultrasound and so they will do another one on Monday to see what's going on.  Please keep praying for him.  We need all the prayers, positive energy, and good thoughts we can get right now.  Looks like he won't be home before I go back to work but hopefully very soon thereafter!  Thank you all for everything!  Oh yea, Chase and Harper are both doing fantastic.  Harper and Mommy have been working on basketball skills all week:)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Big Cole!

Cole is 4 lbs 15 oz.  He's almost 5 lbs!  We've been trying all different methods for this bottling business.  He's very stubborn.  Chase is doing awesome as always.  He'll do even better when his brothers are both here!  Harper can't wait for Cole Thomas to be home.  So many babies in this family right now!!  They all need to be together for a picture:) 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sweet boys:)

Big Chase weighed in at 8 lbs 1 oz yesterday!  He's giant:)  Cole is up to 4 lbs 9 oz!  Cole does a great job bottling for his Mommy but is very stubborn about it with the nurses.  That is the only thing keeping him in there at this point.  We'll be patient.  Someday our whole family will live under the same roof:)  Harper absolutely adores his baby brother Chase and asks everyday when Cole will be home.  He gives lots of hugs and kisses everyday and is Mommy's little helper.  Thank you all for following us and please keep the prayers and good thoughts coming! 

Friday, July 22, 2011

Chase the Tank

Chase had a big weigh in today.....7 lbs 11 oz!!!  He gained a whole pound in one week.  He's looking great and being a perfect baby!  His brother Cole is doing well!  He's up to 4 lbs 3 oz!  He's getting better and better at the whole bottling thing.  He's starting some thyroid meds so his body doesn't have to work so hard.  The endocrinologist thinks he'll be on them short term.  He may have to come home with oxygen and monitors at first which is fine with us.  We just want him home:) 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

We have a 4 pounder!!!

We are back online so expect more frequent updates:)  Chase was 6 lbs 11 oz on Thursday.  He's quite a tank!  Cole is over 4 lbs!  He's been trying to bottle every feed but really would rather have it dropped through his feeding tube.  Harper is keeping cool in his little pool in the backyard!  Cole has to bottle better and then he can come home!!  Probably in a couple of weeks.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Closer to home

Cole had a big day! He's in a new room, getting bottle fed every feed and was moved out of his isolette into a crib!  We're keeping our fingers crossed that he keeps moving in the right direction!  He's up to 3 lbs 12 oz!  Chase is still being a rock star at home!  He had gained a pound since he came home when he was weighed in on Friday!  He's giant/awesome!  Harper had an awesome time at Grandpa K's with Aunt Becca, Uncle A, Emma and Josie Beagle!  Daddy and I were so lonesome it was unbearable!  We are getting our internet hooked up next week so we will update more often!  Thanks for all the love!  Oh yea, and the surprise of a lifetime when Rain popped in rejuvenated all of us!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Good Boys:)

Chase gained 12 oz since last week!  He's up to 6 lbs 2 oz.  Growing like crazy and being a perfect baby!  Cole is up to 3 lbs 5 oz and they are weining him off of his nasal cannula air flow.  He's so so sweet!  Big Harper is going on a trip to his Grandpa's house without Mommy and Daddy.  He can't wait!  I think Mommy and Daddy will be much more lonesome for him than he will be for us.  First trip without us!  Our boys are all growing up:) 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Big Cole

Cole started to bottle feed!  I got to give him a bottle and he took 20 cc's for me:)  He has been holding his own.  He is up to 3 lbs 3 oz.  Chase is doing wonderful.  I would bet he is close to 6 lbs.  He will get weighed tomorrow so I will have a definite!  He's a great baby just like his big brother!  More pictures to come!  Thanks for all the love!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Cole's almost 3 lbs!!

Cole is just a few grams shy of 3 lbs!  Chase is doing his thing at home!  Aaron has turned into a workaholic on the house.  It's really coming along.  Harper loves his baby brothers but wishes they would walk and talk!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Chant is working!

Big Cole is up to 2 lbs 14 oz!!  We are loving having our sweet Chase home with us.  Harper is such an awesome big brother:)  Cole's been behaving for the most part and is doing what he needs to do.  The house is in shambles but were getting things set up as we need them:)  Thanks for all of the love!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Quick Update

Chase is home in Harper's new house and he is doing wonderful!!  Had a Dr appointment today and he is up to 5 lbs 6 oz.  Cole is doing well.  It's hard to have them separated but soon we'll have our whole family home together.  I'll be adding pictures soon of Chase's graduation day!  We don't have internet at the house yet so the updates may not be as frequent.  Don't be alarmed, I will get them on there!  Thank you all again for your support, prayers, and positive energy!  We need it!  Let's all do a chant "grow Cole grow, grow Cole grow"

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Big Day

Chase is coming home on Sunday!!!!!  He's up to 5 lbs 2 oz.  Cole had his big test yesterday.  As of right now, his bladder is functioning well.  Our next step is to have an MRI about 4 months from now.  The tethered cord means that when his cord grew, his body didn't grow quite as much as it needed to keep his cord free floating at the end.  There is a piece of connective tissue that connects the spinal cord to the spine.  As he grows, it will cause tension on his spine which will cause problems later on.  The neurosurgeon said that it is a quick surgery, a day or two in the hospital, and then life goes back to normal!  Everything sounds good.  Cole started to take a bottle today as well!  Big days and bigger days to come!

Monday, June 20, 2011

We're Home owners!!!

Aaron and I are officially home owners!  We signed the closing today!  Aaron has already started moving us, as Chase will be home in a couple weeks.  Cole has his big test tomorrow.  We'll keep you posted!  Pictures of the house will follow.  Very exciting!!

Happy Father's Day

Happy father's day to all of you Daddy's out there!  The boys had a good weekend.  Cole is being weened off of the oxygen and will be put back onto the nasal cannula with just room air.  He is up to 2 lbs 6 oz and Chase is up to 4 lbs 14 oz.  Moving right along!  They are very sweet boys:)

Friday, June 17, 2011

I'm a slacker:)

Sorry for the lack of updates.  The boys are doing well.  Chase is up to 4 lbs 10 oz and is doing his thing.  One of the nurses said she thinks that he will be discharged in a few weeks.  Cole is getting a little more support for some added oxygen.  He is having his test done on Tuesday at 3:00.  He is at 2 lbs 5 oz and is as handsome as ever.  More updates and pics to come!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

3 weeks today!

I can't believe that it has been 3 weeks.  The boys are doing well.  Big Cole is up to 2 lbs 5 oz, and Chase is at 4lbs 6.5 oz.  Cole will probably have his test done today to see the extent of his tethered cord.  If need be, he will have surgery before he is discharged from the NICU.  Quite the emotional roller coaster down here.  The nurses and the physicians have been wonderful:)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Chase graduated to a crib!

Aaron and I walked in to the NICU today to find our big Chase out of his isolette!  He is in a crib now (the kind full term newborns are in).  He will stay in that as long as he does not lose weight.  Weight loss would indicate that he is using calories to keep warm.  Cole is looking good.  He had a blood transfusion today, which the nurse seemed to think was because they have had to draw so much blood lately due to the infection.  Other than that, he's doing great!  Even his little cheeks are getting pudgy:)

Big Gains!

The boys had some major weight gains!  Cole is now over 2 lbs and Chase is over 4 lbs!  Cole is still on antibiotics because they are not sure where the infection came from.  He is definitely feeling much better than he was.  Keep your fingers crossed that he keeps moving forward.  Chase is making huge strides with his bottle feeding.  He still has his feeding tube in his nose to take what he doesn't drink from his bottle.  Cole has his feeding tube in his mouth still.  I think he'll start bottle feeding when he is a little bigger.  It's stressful for them and we certainly do not want to stress Cole out at all.  He needs to keep all of his calories! As always, thank you for the prayers and positive energy!  Love to all!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Better Day

We had a much better day today.  When I got to the NICU, it was time for the boys to eat.  Cole had his eyes wide open and he was ready.  He's back to eating and seems to be feeling much better.  They both gained weight and Cole is almost 2 lbs while Chase is just over 4!  Chase ate his whole 3:00 meal from a bottle that I got to feed him.  Such special moments:)  Thank you for all of the prayers and positive energy! 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Our little fighter

Our sweet little Cole Thomas had a pretty tough night.  He has developed an infection and was having some difficulty breathing and maintaining his heart rate.  Everyone reassured us that it was completely normal, which is comforting.  However, just because it is common, doesn't mean we want our sweet little man to go through it.  He started antibiotics which made a huge difference.  Today was a better day.  He was resting nicely all day and maintaining all of oxygen level, heart rate, and has a high flow of air going through his nasal cannula.  Chase took 20 cc's from a bottle today.  He's the NICU all star.  Thank you to everyone for the prayers.  They are working!  We're confident that Cole is going to grow up bigger than both his brothers.  He's just going to do it in his own time:) 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

2 Weeks and 1 day

The boys had a good day yesterday.  The physicians decided that Cole's test could wait b/c it has to be done in x-ray and it's cold there.  We don't need him burning any calories trying to keep warm.  His weight stayed the same from the previous day, which is just fine.  He had worked pretty hard on Monday (trying to breath on his own and all).  I'm sure it won't be long before he catches up with his big brother.  When Aaron went down at nighttime, he got to hold that sweet little Cole.  SO good for Daddy and Cole:)  Chase is moving right along.  He's working on his bottle feeding and is up to 3 lbs 13 oz.  He's so sweet.  He snuggles right in when you hold him:)  Mommy's need to hold their babies:)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Almost 2 weeks old!

The boys will be 2 weeks old tomorrow!  Chase tried a bottle today.  That's pretty tricky considering he's not even supposed to be born yet.  So will be patient:)  Both had the nasal cannula's removed today but Cole got pretty tired so they put his back in.  Chase now has his feeding tube in his nose and will try the bottle once per shift.  Aaron got to give it to him tonight.  Both of them had their picc lines removed as well.  Sweet little Cole has something called a sacral dimple.  His spinal cord goes to L4 but should only go to L2.  He is having a test done tomorrow to see the severity of it.  Keep the prayers coming please!  Cole gained 20 grams (there are 30 grams in an ounce) and Chase gained 23 grams.  My sweet boys:)  If you want to leave a note, just click on "comments" on the bottom of each post.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Big Great Night!

I got to hold my sweet sweet baby Cole Thomas.  Our nurse was fabulous and knew that we both needed some good snuggles.  Chase decided that Daddy was going to hold him and took matters into his own hands.  As Aaron changed his diaper, he decided to make quite a mess before his new diaper could be put on:)  The nurses clearly needed to change all of his linens and therefore Chase got to go to Aaron while they did.  Quite the little personalities they both have.  What a great night!

We're getting bigger!

Day 11

Cole gained just over an ounce in one day!!  He's up to 1 lb 13 oz.  Chase is still ahead and is up to 3 lbs 10 and 1/2 oz.  Both are getting a regular saline in their picc lines and if all goes well, they will have the picc lines removed and be just on food!!  Keep your fingers crossed that they get bigger and bigger!  Thanks for all of the prayers!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 9

The boys had their second head ultrasounds today.  Both looked normal:)  Cole is up to 10 cc's and Chase is up to 19 cc's each feeding!  They both gained a little weight since yesterday.  Cole gained 10 grams which got him to about 1 lb and just a bit more than 11 oz (he had lost weight and is now back to his birth weight!)  Chase is up to 3 lbs 9 oz (almost back to his birth weight).  Their Dr was pleased with both of them today.
  I got to hold Chase for about an hour today which was amazing!  Still no estimated day for when I can hold Cole.  We do raise the top of his little bed so I can give him some kisses though. 
Today was a pretty good day for us in the NICU!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

One week and One day old

The boys are 1 week and 1 day old.  Hardly seems possible that a whole week has gone by. 

Chase is down to just a nasal cannula which does not give oxygen but forces air so his lungs have positive pressure.  He is getting 13 cc's of milk every couple of hours (he started at 1 cc on Thursday).  He had to have a caffeine treatment today because he had a couple of "spells" where his breathing and heart rate both slow down.  He is as handsome as ever!

Cole is also using the nasal cannula for the same reason.  Both of them are breathing on their own and their oxygen levels have been fantastic.  He is getting 9 cc's of milk every couple of hours (he started at 1/2 cc Thursday).  Cole is absolutely amazing.  He's so tiny, but so strong.  He takes tiny steps  each day in the right direction.  He still needs all of those prayers everyone has been saying though!

Harper says that his baby brothers are not in my belly anymore.  He does not quite understand where they are but he knows that Mommy and Daddy go to the doctor each day to see his baby brothers.  He's going to be an amazing big brother. 

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Twins are here!

Our twins arrived on May 24, 2011.  They were 9 weeks and 1 day early.  Chase Donald was born at 9:08 pm and was 3lbs 11oz.  Cole Thomas was born at 9:09 and was 1lb 11oz. 
Chase came into the world crying and using those little lungs!  Cole needed a little bit of help at first but now he cries and yells louder than his brother!
The boys are doing well and have improvements everyday!  We are expecting about two months in the NICU.

The staff at Women's and Children's Hospital of Buffalo are more amazing than I could ever put into words.  Our pregnancy, from 19 weeks on, has been challenging and we have the Dr.'s and nurses at Children's hospital to thank for the healthy delivery of our boys.