Welcome to our blog! We will do our best to keep it updated with news of all three of our boys!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Big weigh in!

Cole weighed in yesterday at 9 lbs 1 oz!  Chase weighed in at 15 lbs 2 oz!  They're doing what we need them to do!  We are having so much fun with them laughing and smiling!  Harper's as wild as ever!  He's had so much fun watching the big machines work in the backyard getting the septic tank replaced....finally.  Happy boys and happy Mommy and Daddy:)

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Sorry for being such a slacker.  The Lion King was absolutely amazing.  Harper loved it!  We ran around the house for days singing in African!  We're really good.  The boys are all doing well.  Harper and Mommy came down with strep this week.  He recovered very quickly, it took Mommy a few days to kick the fever but we're all good now.  Cole and Chase are both smiling and giggling.  I don't know how to put a video on here or I would.  They're so cute.  We have neurodevelopmental clinic on Monday for both boys.  Daddy's out hunting for dinner, it's that time of year again!  Stay tuned for new pics! 
Go Bills!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New pics

Cole passes his hearing test yesterday:)  He had to have his hearing tested because he was in the NICU for so long and was on antibiotics.  The Dr. said he has perfect hearing!  I like it when Dr.'s tell me the boys are perfect:)  I, of course already know that, but it's nice to hear it from a professional!  Harper and I are going to the Lion King at Shea's tomorrow night with Jenny, Ethan and Angela.  That Angela's just full of great ideas! It's a Mommy, Big Brother's and Angela night out!!  Chase is fabulous and growing like crazy!!